Written by Tim Tipene and illustrated by Isobel Joy Te Aho-White
The Sapling is running a Summer Excerpt Series showcasing the junior and young adult titles from the 2023 Storylines Notable Book Awards. Here is a short but tantalising snippet from Pipi and Pou and the Tentacles of the Deep (#3 in the series). Read reviews by Fiona Giles of #3 and #4 here, and from the first two titles in the series here.

There was another flare of light and Pipi changed into a Pouākai, a giant eagle.
Flapping her enormous wings, she flew straight up into the air.
Pou te Taniwha weaved into the shallows, searching for an image to go with the danger that he now felt.
‘What exactly are we looking for, Nan?’ he asked.
Suddenly something in the foamy waves wrapped around his ankle, gripping him tight.
‘Hey!’ he cried, trying to see what it was that had a hold of him.
Before Pou te Taniwha could say another word, he was wrenched off his feet and dragged out rapidly through the surf by his leg.
‘Pou!’ Pipi Pouākai squawked.
She spread her wings wide, swooped low and went after him.
Pou was tossed high into the air.
‘Argh!’ he howled, as he was dragged away from the beach.
Nana could only watch as her grandson splashed in the deep beyond the breaking waves, seventy metres from her and the shore.

Pipi and Pou and the Tentacles of the Deep (#3)
Written by Tim Tipene
Illustrated by Isobel Joy Te Aho-White
Published by OneTree House
RRP: $22.00