Stephanie Blake

2018 End-of-Year Shopping List: Te Reo Māori titles

Kay Benseman and her niece and nephews have been our main reviewers of books in te reo Māori for 2018. Kay tells us her top te reo selections for this gift-giving season. Kiwi Tahi rāua ko Kiwi Rua, nā Stephanie…

Karena Kelly: te ataahua o te rima meneti

He mātanga reo. He kaiako. He kaituhi. He māmā. Hei tautoko i Te Wiki o te reo Māori 2018 kua whakarae atu tātou ki Te Hiku o te Ika, ki a Tākuta Karena Kelly (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Hine). I ēnei marama…