Bren MacDibble

Reviews: Three More For Middle Grade

Claudine Tapsell reviews three recent middle grade reads from two well-known authors and one on-their-way to being well-known winner of the Storylines Tom Fitzgibbon Award. These pukapuka are spine-tingling, slow-burning, and heart-warming, with richly written and endearing characters. Koro’s Star,…

HONOURED EARTH: An interview with Bren MacDibble and Zana Fraillon

Rachael King has been enamoured with The Raven’s Song ever since its release last year. Here, she interviews the book’s authors, Bren MacDibble and Zana Frallion, on their creative process, the co-authoring experience, and more. The Raven’s Song burst onto…

Reviews: New Middle-Grade Releases

Sarah Forster shares her thoughts on two middle-grade novels set in post-apocalyptic utopian worlds, packed with plenty of adventure, miracle technology, and imaginings of the future. Kidnap at Mystery Island, by Carol Garden I love the cover of this futuristic…

Book Awards: junior fiction finalists

Where do we usually get our recommendations for books to read? The bookshop, of course. We’ve asked people from five bookshelves to sell us our stunning array of junior fiction titles. Tunnel of Dreams, by Bernard Beckett (Text Publishing, 2020)…

Book Reviews: Top-Notch Junior Fiction

It’s a good time to be curling up somewhere cosy at home with a good book. For the eight to twelves in your life, there are some brilliant new releases to look into. Sarah Forster has reviewed four new titles…

The Reckoning: Is it fair to pass on our despair?

We grew up watching the world end – at least on-screen. Our children are growing up watching it happen in real time. How do we prepare them to inherit a world that’s (supposedly) about to end? Today Elizabeth Kirkby-McLeod, an…

Book List: NZ-focused young reader novels

In response to a request The Sapling put out on Twitter, teacher and author Sarina Dickson has compiled this wonderful list of New Zealand titles for those young readers who have finished Harry Potter and are reading above their age…

The winners of the 2019 Book Awards are …

Fresh off the ceremony at Te Papa Tongarewa, the results are in and your New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults winners are… The Margaret Mahy Book of the Year and the Picture Book Award The Bomb Written…

Book Awards: the Junior Fiction finalists

As the next instalment in our coverage of this year’s NZ Book Awards for Children and Young Adults, we asked the five finalists of the Wright Family Foundation Esther Glen Award for Junior Fiction to interview each other. Here’s Philippa…

Book List: Kids with Climate Change anxiety

How to help our children manage their emotions around the climate crisis. It’s a hot topic. Helping our children manage those big feelings can be tricky. It’s hard enough for adults. Navigating these moments in parenting can feel a lot…