Books My Kid Is Reading

My Children’s Diet of Books

“The current generation of children have many digital distractions, and it can be hard to promote reading as a stimulating and exciting activity. I was fortunate in that my children grew up in the country, and before social media, but…

Jackie Clark: Books My [Kindy] Kids Read

Jackie Clark is a woman who gets stuff done. She may be familiar to readers of The Sapling as the founder of The Aunties, a charitable organisation providing material and emotional resources to vulnerable people, around 500 whānau a year,…

Emma Neale: The Books My Kids Are Reading

Emma Neale is a Dunedin-based poet, novelist, and recently appointed editor of the esteemed New Zealand literary journal, Landfall, which has been running for over 70 years. She tells us, hilariously and poignantly, about the books her two sons are…

The Books My Kid Is Reading (& I should write)

Ahead of his appearance at the Auckland Writers Festival, novelist (for adults) Rajorshi Chakraborti tells us about the books his daughter is reading, and his aspirations to write a book for her one day. A big challenge is looming for…

Michele A’Court: The Books My Kids Are Reading

Writer, comedian and author of a new collection of true love stories, How We Met, Michele A’Court tells us about the books she reads to her granddaughter, and the tricks she uses at story time. As much as I am…

Books my Kids Love: Kirsten McDougall

Author Kirsten McDougall has recently released her second novel, Tess (VUP), and will be appearing at Wellington LitCrawl this weekend. She has written for us about reading to her children. I love reading to my kids. There’s something really special…

How to Dad: Jordan Watson Talks Books

Jordan Watson is better known – to millions of YouTube viewers – as How to Dad, giving hilarious advice on the practicalities of dad-hood to parents all over the world. Today he tells us about the books that were most…

Father’s Day: Four Dads on Reading at Home

Ahead of Father’s Day, four Kiwi Dads let us in on what their family reading lives are like. Here are some excerpts from previous The Sapling articles by music journalist Nick Bollinger; founder of the Ngaio Marsh Awards and writer…

Craig Sisterson and the books his kid is reading

Founder of the Ngaio Marsh Awards and writer at Crime Watch, Craig Sisterson, shares what he and his two-year-old daughter Madi have been reading lately. Story time is one of my favourite times with Madi, our two-and-a-half year old. ‘Again,…

Steve Braunias and the books his kid is reading

The editor of The Spinoff Review of Books and author of The Man Who Ate Lincoln Road, Steve Braunias reports on what his ten-year-old daughter has been reading lately. Books are like stars shining down on little kids. They lit…