
BookHub: The Next Chapter in Book Buying for NZ Booklovers

Created by Booksellers NZ and CircleSoft, BookHub is an online collaboration with Aotearoa’s independent bookstores (the first of its kind in the English-speaking world)! Launched on National Bookshop Day (7th October), Bookhub lets readers browse and purchase books from over…

Reviews: Three New Aotearoa Picture Books

Three new picture books reviewed by Linda Jane Keegan cover fitting in, farts, and science. The illustrations in each are wonderful and totally different from one another, and they will have you searching, laughing (or eye-rolling, depending on your tastes),…

Book List: Don’t Touch Me – Lessons in Consent

How to help our kids understand consent and set (and respect!) boundaries? It’s a surprisingly controversial topic. Guest writer Bee Trudgeon reflects on this area of contention and sets out to find some books that can help facilitate this conversation;…

Reviews: Two Recent YA Releases

In this batch of reviews, Charlotte Fielding shares her thoughts on a wholesome romance read and a spooky Stranger Things-style debut. The Stars Burn Bright, by Lynda Tomalin  The Stars Burn Bright is a sweet YA romance, told from the…

The Reckoning: Why Don’t We Care About NZ Books?

A fleeting comment on Radio NZ about books set in Aotearoa made student and book reviewer Hannah Marshall uneasy. She sets out on a quest to figure out why it is that we don’t want to set our books here,…

Day In the Life: DEBORAH HINDE

Deborah Hinde is a Aotearoa illustrator, and her most recent title is Enough: A story about community. She spends her days running her business, PictureBook Publishing, as well as illustrating picture books and working on products for markets. She tells…

For Crying Out Loud: Crying and Kids’ Books

‘I’m a kindred spirit to Anne of Green Gables’ Anne Shirley. When I feel like crying, you see it in my cheeks, in the flicker in my eyes, and sometimes you see it in my bottom lip.’ Kura Rutherford writes…

He Raiona i roto i nga Otaota: a new Margaret Mahy

The images and the story of Margaret Mahy’s “A Lion in the Meadow” have almost become a part of the collective consciousness of children who grow up in Aotearoa. This year, the Māori language translation of the book: “He Raiona…

Whale Mountains, Red Toy Carts, & Letters From Nan

As part of celebrations for Māori Language Week, Vini Olsen-Reeder chats with his relation Hinemārie Burton about co-writing their first book together. Ngā Maunga Tohorā: The Whale Mountains is a children’s book wrapped in identity, language and local Tauranga history….