KA PAI! Cool stuff from around the internet

I tēnei wiki kua hoki mai a Ka Pai: He tohu mai kei hea ngā rauemi ipurangi whakamiharo mō te wiki o te reo Māori. This week sees a special return of Ka Pai: What’s Cool on the internet for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori!

One Shot/PNZ/Visual Energy

When The Sapling first launched we had a regular feature, KA PAI! Cool stuff from around the internet, where we compiled, for your browsing pleasure, cool children’s book happenings. This week we have a one-off return of this popular feature, focusing on recent book releases and other cool resources from around Aotearoa for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori.

Book news from around the motu

There are lots of fantastic new te reo Māori editions of children’s books being published at the moment. In the last three months this has included Te Rātaka a Tētahi Kōhine (Anne Frank’s Diary), translated by Te Haumihiata Mason, and Kei Hea a Spot? (Where’s Spot?) by Eric Hill, translated by Father Ryan, Tio Tiamu (The Smelly Giant) by Kurahau, illustrated by Laya Mutton-Rogers, Te Pohū (The Bomb) by Sacha Cotter and Josh Morgan, translated by Kawata Teepa (the English version of which won the supreme Margaret Mahy Award at the recent book awards), and our editor Thalia’s first book, Whutupōro Tahi Rua Toru (Rugby 1 2 3), illustrated by Myles Lawford, and translated into te reo Māori by Ngaere Roberts. Look out for a few more titles later in the week.

We really loved this article about the translator of Anne Frank’s Diary.

This year’s school tour by Taki Rua is Te Kuia me te Pūngāwerewere, which uses the classic picture book The Kuia and the Spider written by Patricia Grace and illustrated by Robyn Kahukiwa, as the springboard for an energetic reimagining of the story, all in te reo Māori. The cast are currently on the last leg of the 2019 tour. Later this week we will feature one of the cast, Amanda Noblett, who plays the kuia in the play.

We’ve promoted this before, but it deserves another mention for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. Storylines Children’s Literature Charitable Trust have recently announced the Dame Kāterina Te Heikōkō Mataira Award for an unpublished work written originally in te reo Māori. The manuscript can be from any genre (picture book, junior fiction, young adult fiction, non-fiction). Entries close on 31 October 2019. Please enter!

The Pikihuia Awards are coming up on 14 September in Wellington, where winners of this year’s awards will be announced and Huia Short Stories 13 will be launched. The Pikihuia Awards, which started in 1995, encourage diverse Māori viewpoints, offer awards for writing in both te reo Māori and English, and include sections for first-time, emerging and established writers.

Although this course doesn’t focus on children’s literature, Massey University’s new course Oceanic Literatures of Aotearoa: Ngā Tuhinga Kōrero o te Moana nui a Kiwa has potential to positively impact on all areas of Māori literature, children’s included. The course explores contemporary Māori and Pasifika literature in relationship with pre-colonial Oceanic literatures, narratives and storytelling methods.

Cool links to events and resources for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori

Want to keep up-to-date with Te Wiki o te Reo Māori events? Start here on the official Te Wiki o te Reo Māori website, which lists events including hīkoi being held in Wellington, Gisborne, Whangārei, Manukau, Takapuna, and a special Hīkoia te Kōrero on Maungakiekie/One Tree Hill.

If you are hunting for resources to celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori at work or at home, here at Te Kete Ipurangi is a comprehensive list of resources.

Time to make your workplace signage bilingual? Signage is an effective way to increase language acquisition and visibility. Here’s a great starting list from Te Taura Whiri.

Editor Briar put together this list of useful bookish phrases in te reo, too.

A new app Pukapuka Kōrero Tahi has just been released featuring language resources from Radio Kahungunu archives, from years of research by Dr Joseph Te Rito, and featuring the voices of kuia Apikara Rārere and Te Arahea Robin.

National Library of New Zealand have produced some really cool teaching and learning resources highlighting Tuia Mātauranga.

The Taringa podcast put out by Te Wānanga o Aotearoa is a fun way to increase your understanding of te reo and tikanga Māori. New episodes are posted every week, with a focus each time on kupu, iwi, stories, or tikanga.

Do you want your Wiki o te Reo Māori to last all month? Check out Mahuru Māori, the growing movement led by Paraone Gloyne, encouraging people to speak te reo Māori for the whole month of Mahuru/September.

Do you want your Te Wiki o te Reo Māori to last all year? Kura Whakarauora is an amazing movement, with wānanga all around the country, where attendees learn how to create a language plan for the home and beyond.

If you are inspired to support te reo Māori development in schools, you might be interested in research just conducted by research group Haemata, and published by Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori, on te reo teaching in English-medium schools. We will be featuring an indepth look at this research later this week.

And on that note, don’t forget this piece from Nadine Anne Hura in The Sapling for Te Wiki 2017 about encouraging your children’s schools to increase their te reo.

Cool waiata links for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – because everything is better with music

Waiata/Anthems, an album featuring lots of our country’s most-celebrated musicians singing their hits in te reo Māori, is being released in time for Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori. Hinewehi Mohi has been the driving force behind the album, which commemorates 20 years since Mohi sang the national anthem in te reo at the World Cup quarter final in Twickenham. These waiata are going to be hits all over again.

And this recent release for Ihumātao, Ka Mānu, is incredible; composed by Rob Ruha, and performed by Rob, Maisy Rika, Troy Kingi and others.

From The Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori archives

If you want to know more about some of the people who fought for Māori Language Week back in the 1970s, the documentary Ngā Tamatoa – 40 Years On on New Zealand on Screen is a great starting point.

And finally, if you’re doing cool stuff for Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, share your activities with the hashtags #TWOTRM #TeWikioTeReo #KiaKahaTeReoMāori so that everyone can see.