We may not yet have reached the Season of the Age of Aquarius, but it certainly appears to be Spring right now, and we figure sooner or later Summer will reach our fair shores. Lets do a quiz to celebrate!

1. Tessa Duder’s Alex Quartet has a season in one of the titles: which one?
A. Summer
B. Spring
C. Winter
D. Autumn
2. Who was born Cassia Summers?
A. Margaret Mahy
B. Joy Cowley
C. Fleur Beale
D. Gaelyn Gordon
3. Who wrote Winter of Fire?
A. Sherryl Jordan
B. Bernard Beckett
C. David Hill
D. William Taylor
4. When did ‘We take the dogs down the wiggly track, the wiggly track, the wiggly track’?
A. On a gloomy winter Sunday
B. On a summery Saturday morning
C. When spring comes
D. On a frosty day in June
5. Margaret Mahy has a book called Leaf Magic: what season is it about?
A. Summer
B. Autumn
C. Longing
D. Joy
6. What design collective created Seasons, published in English by Gecko Press?
A. Hipopotam Studio
B. Klim
C. Blexbolex
D. Thimble
7. Fleur Beale’s Fierce September features a lead character with which brilliant name?
A. Minerva
B. Juno
C. Athene
D. Hera
8. What celebration is featured in Daniel’s ___ Feast, by Rebecca Beyer and Linley Wellington?
A. Matariki
B. Tanabata
C. Diwali
D. Chinese New Year
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. A