Matthew Cunningham

Reviews: Three New Aotearoa Picture Books

Three new picture books reviewed by Linda Jane Keegan cover fitting in, farts, and science. The illustrations in each are wonderful and totally different from one another, and they will have you searching, laughing (or eye-rolling, depending on your tastes),…

The Mahy Questionnaire: Sarah Wilkins

This month’s instalment of the Mahy Questionnaire features award-winning illustrator Sarah Wilkins! Sarah does editorial, educational, and promotional art in addition to illustrating children’s books. Her most recent picture book, the beautiful Abigail and the Restless RaiMatndrop, is out now!…

Matthew Cunningham and Susan Brocker

Children’s authors Matthew Cunningham and Susan Brocker caught up over email to talk story ideas, inspiration, and wrangling animals in text. Matthew is the author of the Abigail series, the most recent of which is Abigail and the Restless Raindrop…

Book Reviews: Five New Zealand Picture Books

Rachel Moore reviews five new New Zealand picture books, which cover everything from the beauty and brutality of nature, to how to cope with anxiety and bullying. The Promise of Puanga, by Kirsty Wadsworth and Munro Te Whata It’s wonderful…