Massey University Press

2023 NZCYA Elsie Locke Award For Nonfiction Finalists

It’s no secret that we love getting to learn and share publisher insight, so much so that we dedicate a NZCYA Awards finalist category every year to it! This year it’s the Elsie Locke Nonfiction finalists so without further ado,…

Book Awards: The Non-Fiction Finalists

Simie interviewed five booksellers from around the motu about their favourite finalists in the Elsie Locke Award for Non-Fiction category in this year’s NZCYA Awards. Booksellers are the passionate people who are putting these books into the hands of the…

Co-interview: Janet Hunt and Gillian Candler

Gillian Candler and Janet Hunt are writers of factual books for children and adults about New Zealand nature. They have never met, but they quickly found plenty in common when asked by The Sapling to interview each other. We asked…

Pondering Poetry: An Interview with Paula Green

Paula Green is one of New Zealand’s most (probably the most) energetic and passionate ambassadors for poetry ever. She has published (as writer or editor) nearly 20 books and runs two fascinating blogs, NZ Poetry Shelf (for adults) and NZ…