Linda Jane Keegan

Reviews: Three New Non-Fiction

There are so many awesome non-fiction pukapuka coming out every year. This batch of assorted non-fiction covers nature crafts, endangered dolphins, and hauora. Linda Jane Keegan gives a rundown of what to expect in each. Play Wild: Nature Crafts for…

Reviews: How do I Colour Thee? Let Me Count the Ways

Linda Jane Keegan reviews a stack of books themed around learning numbers, colours, days of the week and Pacific languages. A delightful and colourful collection for anyone with little (and not-so-little!) ones in their lives. My Pasifika Language Series (Mila’s…

Reviews: Two Captivating STEM Books

Linda Jane Keegan reviews two books that are rooted in nature connectivity. Ultrawild is a thought experiment encompassing environmental science, engineering, and outrageous ideas for how to save the planet, and The Beach Activity Book is an assortment of water-themed…

Book List: Inspiration for Bug of the Year

This is the second year of New Zealand Bug of the Year. Step aside, Bird of the Year, the Entomological Society of New Zealand is keen to get our nation more interested in the lesser known heroes of our environment….

Not An Interview with Linda Jane Keegan

A childhood friend of The Sapling’s lead editor takes it upon herself to fabricate an interview which is either embarrassingly or honourably accurate: you decide. I meet Linda Jane Keegan at her home in Tākaka. Or at least I would…

Reading with Covid: An Acrostic in Isolation

Editor Linda Jane Keegan and her whānau are struck down with Covid. Reading never stop in this household though, and Linda Jane shares how her seven-year-old (couch-ridden for two days and now bouncing off the walls) keeps up with the…

Reviews: Three New Aotearoa Picture Books

Three new picture books reviewed by Linda Jane Keegan cover fitting in, farts, and science. The illustrations in each are wonderful and totally different from one another, and they will have you searching, laughing (or eye-rolling, depending on your tastes),…

A Box of Birds: A quick rundown of the bird books of 2022

The Sapling editor and picture book author Linda Jane Keegan gives a summary and her two cents on 20 bird books released this year. Some might suggest (okay, they have suggested, multiple times) that there are too many bird books…

Reviews: Four Non-Fiction Nature Books

Linda Jane Keegan is back with another round of non-fiction reviews, this time with a selection of picture books all about the unique flora and fauna that we share our environment with. Where is it in town? by Ned Barraud…

Book Reviews: Five Aotearoa Non-Fiction Books

The environment, conservation, and an Olympic athlete feature in five of Aotearoa’s newest non-fiction books, as lead editor Linda Jane Keegan tells us in this latest batch of reviews. Sylvia and the Birds by Johanna Emeney and Sarah Laing Sylvia…