Gillian Candler

Reviews: Five New Picture Books

Our next batch of reviews is brought to you by Kay Benseman, who offers her thoughts on five brightly illustrated picture books. Mia and Leo Go Wild!, written by Gillian Candler and illustrated by Gavin Mouldey Our family are fans…

Book List: Books for Sea Week

Sea Week is coming up next month so editor Linda Jane has put together an ocean-themed list, with non-fiction books covering from the shore to the deep sea. Look, I love any excuse to talk about both nature and books…

Co-interview: Janet Hunt and Gillian Candler

Gillian Candler and Janet Hunt are writers of factual books for children and adults about New Zealand nature. They have never met, but they quickly found plenty in common when asked by The Sapling to interview each other. We asked…

Book List: Which New Zealand Nature Guide?

Do you know any kids who love to explore and discover? Nature lover and environmental educator Linda Jane Keegan gives a rundown of New Zealand native species identification guides and other non-fiction nature books. When I was a kid, I…

Book Awards: the Non-Fiction finalists

Another week, another category of NZCYA Award finalists to highlight! Today, it’s the Elsie Locke Award for Non-Fiction finalists, answering questions about the hows and the whys of their fabulous books. From backyards, burrows and biographies to legends and linework,…

Best Picture Books for New New Zealanders

Hearing the wonderful news that six more towns are going to be Refugee Resettlement centres, we got thinking about what books might provide the best and friendliest introduction to a new life in Aotearoa New Zealand. Here’s our starting list…

Book Reviews: Factual Books from NZ

Are your kids intersted in the wilder world? Or do they love to cook? These books have tips on how to save the environment, and what you will find there if you look hard enough, reviewed by mother and journalist…

2018 End-of-Year Shopping List: NZ Factual Books

Do you want to be sure you’re getting top-shelf books for your favourite people this Christmas – or on any gift-giving occasion? We are making it easy for you! Here is our selection of 2018’s very best New Zealand factual…

2017 Christmas Shopping List: Factual Books

Do you want to be sure you’re getting top-shelf books for your favourite people this Christmas – or on any gift-giving occasion? We are making it easy for you! Here is our selection of the very best New Zealand books…

Book Reviews: Journeys and Exploration

Each of these three new non-fiction titles presents fascinating information in an engaging and imaginative way. Coincidentally, they all deal with themes of journeys and/or exploration. Gillian Candler wrote a Reckoning about factual books, while Maria Gill had some thoughts…