Frances Plumpton

Books have Borders: The Bologna Book Fair

Selling children’s book rights into new territories, languages, and formats is the business of the Bologna Book Fair in Italy. The 61st year of the fair took place last week and attracted over 1,500 exhibitors and a total of 31,735…

Reviews: Five Aotearoa Picture Books

Former teacher, feminist book blogger and parent, Annelies Judson gives an insightful commentary on this batch of very Kiwi picture books. My Mum is the Queen of the Road by Jennifer Beck & Lisa Allen My Mum Is The Queen…

The Reckoning: Taking Children's Books Seriously

Eileen Merriman has just published her third YA book, but it is the impending publication of her first adult novel that has her acquaintances impressed. She makes an argument against the false pedestal upon which adult writing sits. Most bookstores…