

Go Girl: A Storybook of Epic NZ Women by Barbara Else is a collection of inspiring true stories about New Zealand women who have done extraordinary things. There’s Dame Whina Cooper, Janet Frame, Farah Palmer, Lucy Lawless, Kate Sheppard, Nancy Wake, Sophie Pascoe, Margaret Mahy, Lydia Ko, Merata Mita, Rita Angus, Te Puea Herangi — and many more.

The Reckoning: Wonderful Choices

Author, publisher, and full-time feminist Deb Potter on how books can open up wonderful choices for young people – or not. I have more than one t-shirt with the word feminist on it. Reading the word, people in lifts, supermarkets…

Ka pai! Cool stuff from around the internet

Every two weeks we compile, for your browsing pleasure, cool children’s book happenings (and peripherally related news) from around Aotearoa, the world and the internet. A little US-centric but here are some great ideas to get your whole family thinking…