Bill Nagelkerke

The Reckoning: Lost in Translation?

Award-winning author Melinda Szymanik shares her realisations about the skills and challenges involved in translating children’s books. Prompted by the publication of her books in foreign languages, Szymanik talks to Bill Nagelkerke about his experiences of translating and all that…

Drop by Drop: Poetry for Children Competition

Poets XYZ, a trio consisting of Melinda Syzmanik, Elena de Roo, and Kathryn Dove, are excited to announce the launch of ‘Drop by Drop,’ a new competition for adult writers of poetry for children. A vastly under-supported sector of children’s…

Book Reviews: Top-Notch Junior Fiction

It’s a good time to be curling up somewhere cosy at home with a good book. For the eight to twelves in your life, there are some brilliant new releases to look into. Sarah Forster has reviewed four new titles…