Ant Sang

Reviews: Four Fresh Picture Books

Bookseller Pippi Jean finds lots to rave about with four fun, rambunctious picture books. Coney, by David Minty and Greg Parker My first reaction to Coney by David Minty and Greg Parker was of pure, unaccompanied delight. I felt like…

2023 NZCYA Russell Clark Award For Illustration Finalists

We’re thrilled to be continuing our tradition of bringing you the inside scoop with an exclusive look into the illustration process for the finalist titles in this category. Be it character designs, cover concepts, working sketches, magnificent final spreads, or…

Reviews: Five New Picture Books

This week writer and former Sapling co-editor Thalia Kehoe Rowden has some thoughts about a number of books that could do with better rhyme and rhythm, but is delighted with one new title. In a country that has produced such…

Book Awards: the illustration finalists

As part of our ongoing finalist coverage of this year’s New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults, we have some glorious snippets to look at from the five Russell Clark Award for Illustration finalists! There are covers, decadent…

2018 End-of-Year Shopping List: YA Fiction

Do you want to be sure you’re getting top-shelf books for your favourite people this Christmas – or on any gift-giving occasion? We are making it easy for you! Here is our selection of 2018’s very best New Zealand books…

Book List: Comic Books for Kids and Teens

Children’s comics embrace all the possibilities inherent in good fiction. They are original, compelling and relevant, but also of increased importance for reluctant readers, and those who value the written word and illustration. Here, Monty Masseurs and Nicola Crombie from…