Anne Ingram

Reviews: Three Fresh YA Reads

Ceridwyn Roberts brings our first batch of YA reviews for 2023, featuring stories full of space travel, mystery, and more. Na Viro, by Gina Cole Na Viro by Auckland-based writer Gina Cole (Fijian, Scottish & Welsh) has stunning world-building—rich and…

Book Reviews: Junior and Middle Fiction

Sarah Forster reviews current releases Harriet and the eye of the Bird, Bonjour Lucy Bee and The Invincibles: Power Up! She also reviews a final manuscript for Tūī Street Heroes, thanks to Wildling Books. This will release in September. The…

THE SAMPLING: Bonjour Lucy Bee

Bonjour Lucy Bee is a fast-paced holiday adventure novel. Lucy Bee is on a family reunion holiday in France when she finds an injured boy behind a bush.