Ka pai! Cool stuff from around the internet

Every two weeks we compile, for your browsing pleasure, cool children’s book happenings (and peripherally related news) from around Aotearoa, the world and the internet.

An illustration from The King and the Sea by Wolf Erlbruch (Gecko Press)

We were really pleased to learn that Duck, Death and the Tulip creator Wolf Erlbruch has won this year’s Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (known as the ALMA). It’s the world’s biggest prize (in the money sense, though it’s hugely prestigious, too) for children’s literature. The award’s chair said Mr Erlbruch is ‘expanding the limits of what the children’s book can be’.

The Bologna International Children’s Book Fair is now underway. And one very cool thing about it is that Dunedin (the UNESCO City of Literature) is there!

You may have noticed that here at The Sapling, we love libraries. In fact, editor Sarah even wrote an article about the importance of school libraries for our friends The Spinoff. And The Guardian talked about how ‘the loss of libraries entrenches inequality‘. 

Moo and Moo and the Little Calf Too was all over the local news this week. What a cool story!

There was a rather back-handed Guardian article from an (excellent) author for adults, about how she began to think children’s novels are maybe, kinda, sorta all right. This one got some of our followers fired-up on Facebook.

We’re going to send out our very first newsletter soon! They grow up so fast… You can sign up for it on our homepage.

We geeked out over the awesome Game of Awesome, ‘a hilarious, educational game designed to inspire year 5–8 students to write creative stories — whilst increasing their literacy levels’.